
25. Investigation of the force on a current in a magnetic field

  • 25cm length of straight bare copper wire of thickness 1.5mm, for example

  • low voltage variable DC supply (eg 0-6V)

  • ammeter (eg 0-10A with 0.1A precision or better)

  • two crocodile clips

  • two clamps on stands

  • three connecting leads

  • four magnadur magnets with a metal cradle

  • an electronic top pan balance with precision 0.1g or better

  • 30cm ruler

Hazard Risk Control measure


Heat – the wire will get hot if the power is left on.

Students should wear eye protection and should only connect the power when taking measurements.


Heat – the wire will get hot if the power is left on.

High currents (up to 6A) will flow through the wire, so care must be taken as it will get warm.