
08. Determination of the resistivity of a wire

  • 00:23 The ammeter must be connected in series. Why?
  • 00:27 The voltmeter must be connected in parallel. Why?
  • 01:56 Which variable should be plotted on each axis?
  • 7 × 4mm leads

  • 1 × ammeter

  • 1 × voltmeter

  • 1 × 1.5V ‘D’ type battery

  • 1 × metre rule

  • 1 × 110 cm length of nichrome wire

  • 1 × micrometer / vernier callipers (resolution ±0.01mm)

  • 1 × 30 cm ruler (resolution ±0.001m)

Hazard Risk Control measure


Heat – the wire will get hot if the power is left on.

Students should wear eye protection and should only connect the power when taking measurements.