
09. Investigation of a rate of reaction by a gas-collection method

  • 00:40 Why is it better to clamp the syringe at a low height?
  • 00:47 Why do you have to do this quickly?
  • 00:57 What could happen if gas is allowed to continue to fill the syringe? 
  • 01:14 How do you produce a different concentration of HCl?
  • 01:20 What is the relationship between the two variables?
  • a digital balance (pref. 3-decimal place but minimum 2dp)

  • eye protection

  • 250 cm³ conical flask 

  • 100 cm³ gas syringe with delivery tube and rubber stopper 

  • weighing boat 

  • spatula

  • stopwatch

  • clamp and stand

  • 50 cm³ measuring cylinder

Hazard Risk Control measure

2mol dm-3 HCl

Contact with eyes or skin

Eye: flood eye with tap water (10min)

Skin: drench with water

CaCO3 Powder

Contact with eyes

Flood with tap water (10min)

See doctor if pain persists