
08. Investigation into the effect of enzyme or substrate concentration on enzyme activity

  • 00:24 Why do you have to grind the potato cells?
  • 00:54 How would cell debris on the disc affect the rise time?
  • 01:00 What gas is given off by this reaction?
  • 01:03 How does this gas affect the density of the paper disc?
  • 01:03 What effect does this density change have on the disc rise time?
  • 01:05 How can you use this method to investigate the effect of enzyme concentration (mass of potato used) or substrate (H2O2) concentration on enzyme activity?
  • freshly cut potato cylinders

  • pestle and mortar

  • specimen tubes / test tubes

  • stock solution of hydrogen peroxide

  • filter paper discs

  • forceps

  • stopwatch

  • syringe

  • deionised water

  • paper towel

Hazard Risk Control measure

Hydrogen peroxide stock solution – irritant to eyes and skin

Contact with eyes and skin

Eye: flood with tap water (10min)

Skin: drench with water.

Flood with tap water (10min)

Potato enzyme paste – possible allergen

Enzymes may produce allergic reactions. Contact with eyes and skin

Eye: flood with tap water (10min) Skin: drench with water. Flood with tap water (10min)